General Information
The Bernett Farm consists of 40.45 surveyed acres. It has high quality soils with an overall productivity index of 141.0. FSA reflects 40.0 tillable acres. Farm to be sold via virtual online auction on November 17, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. CST.
Click here for the sales brochure.
Click here for the sales brochure.
The Bernett Farm is located 2 miles southwest of Fisher, IL in Champaign County.
Legal description: The SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 3, Township 21N, Range 7E of Third P.M.
Legal description: The SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 3, Township 21N, Range 7E of Third P.M.
Auction Documents
The following items have all been made available under the "Documents" tab on the bidding platform:
- Auction Terms and Conditions
- Contract for Sale
- Bidding/registration instructions
- Preliminary title commitment
Sale Information
Lease: Open lease for the 2023 crop year.
Improvements: None
Real Estate Taxes: 2022 taxes payable in 2023 will be credited to buyer at closing.
Possession: At closing subject to the remaining rights of the current farm tenant for the 2022 crop year.
Down Payment: 10% following the conclusion of the auction.
Closing: 30 days following the conclusion of the auction.
Auctioneer: Auction will be conducted by Jim Hannagan of Gordon Hannagan Auction Company.
Agency: Waibel Farmland Services, Inc. and its representatives are exclusive agents to the Seller.
Disclaimer: Information provided is believed to be accurate, but is subject to verification by buyers or others relying on it. No liability for errors or omissions is assumed by the sellers or their agents.
Improvements: None
Real Estate Taxes: 2022 taxes payable in 2023 will be credited to buyer at closing.
Possession: At closing subject to the remaining rights of the current farm tenant for the 2022 crop year.
Down Payment: 10% following the conclusion of the auction.
Closing: 30 days following the conclusion of the auction.
Auctioneer: Auction will be conducted by Jim Hannagan of Gordon Hannagan Auction Company.
Agency: Waibel Farmland Services, Inc. and its representatives are exclusive agents to the Seller.
Disclaimer: Information provided is believed to be accurate, but is subject to verification by buyers or others relying on it. No liability for errors or omissions is assumed by the sellers or their agents.