General Information
81.07 surveyed acres
135.0 soil PI
Bordered on the north and west by township roads 2400N and 1600E respectively.
Listed at $15,900/ac
Click here for the sales brochure, and scroll down for more information.
135.0 soil PI
Bordered on the north and west by township roads 2400N and 1600E respectively.
Listed at $15,900/ac
Click here for the sales brochure, and scroll down for more information.
The Faber/Sutton Farm is located 2 miles northeast of Hudson, IL in McLean County. Legal description: North 1/2 of NW 1/4; Section 14, Twp 25N, Range 2E of Third P.M. w/ exc.
Survey is in progress and will be posted when available.
Other Terms
Lease: Farm has an open lease for the 2023 crop year.
Improvements: Based on McLean County assessor records, the barn immediately east of the excluded building site appears to be situated on the Faber/Sutton farmland. A boundary survey is in progress and will confirm the location of the east boundary to verify ownership of the barn.
Real Estate Taxes: Seller will pay 2022 RE taxes payable in 2023 as a credit to buyer at closing. Buyer responsible for all subsequent taxes.
Possession: Possession following removal of the 2022 soybean crop subject to remaining rights of the current farm tenant for the 2022 crop year.
Excluded Building Site: A 30' wide easement over the driveway at the southwest corner provides legal access to the excluded homesite (23757 N 1600 East Rd, Hudson IL 61748).
Down Payment: 10% earnest money at acceptance of bid price and signing of Contract for Purchase.
Closing: To be scheduled within 30 days of contract signing
Agency: Waibel Farmland Services, Inc. is agent for the sellers.
Disclaimer: Information provided is believed to be accurate, but is subject to verification by buyers or others relying on it. No liability for errors or omissions is assumed by the sellers or their agents.
Improvements: Based on McLean County assessor records, the barn immediately east of the excluded building site appears to be situated on the Faber/Sutton farmland. A boundary survey is in progress and will confirm the location of the east boundary to verify ownership of the barn.
Real Estate Taxes: Seller will pay 2022 RE taxes payable in 2023 as a credit to buyer at closing. Buyer responsible for all subsequent taxes.
Possession: Possession following removal of the 2022 soybean crop subject to remaining rights of the current farm tenant for the 2022 crop year.
Excluded Building Site: A 30' wide easement over the driveway at the southwest corner provides legal access to the excluded homesite (23757 N 1600 East Rd, Hudson IL 61748).
Down Payment: 10% earnest money at acceptance of bid price and signing of Contract for Purchase.
Closing: To be scheduled within 30 days of contract signing
Agency: Waibel Farmland Services, Inc. is agent for the sellers.
Disclaimer: Information provided is believed to be accurate, but is subject to verification by buyers or others relying on it. No liability for errors or omissions is assumed by the sellers or their agents.