Waibel Farmland Services, Inc. is a full service firm providing professional farm management, appraisal, and real estate brokerage services to farmland owners. Our philosophy centers on service, integrity, stewardship, and respect.
BRIAN D. WAIBELAccredited Farm Manager
Real Estate Designated Managing Broker Certified General Real Estate Appraiser See complete profile |
SETH D. WAIBELAccredited Farm Manager
Real Estate Broker Certified General Real Estate Appraiser See complete profile |
Farms mean different things to different people. For some it is a heritage. Perhaps it was inherited from parents, grandparents, or maybe even great-grandparents, one or more of whom actually farmed the land. Often there may be a similar, multi-generational tie with the farmer that has operated the land. Recognition of the hard work and sacrifices of those generations plays an important role in decisions about the farm today.
For other landowners, the farm is an investment. The purchase, sale, and lease arrangement are driven by expected financial returns. And, of course, many people are vested in farmland for a combination of these factors.
Whatever your perspective, we're here to work for you, the landowner. Whether you need management to properly care for the land, an appraisal to value the property as it passes from one generation to the next, or are considering a sale of the farm or buying a new one, we look forward to giving you the direction needed to achieve your goals.
For other landowners, the farm is an investment. The purchase, sale, and lease arrangement are driven by expected financial returns. And, of course, many people are vested in farmland for a combination of these factors.
Whatever your perspective, we're here to work for you, the landowner. Whether you need management to properly care for the land, an appraisal to value the property as it passes from one generation to the next, or are considering a sale of the farm or buying a new one, we look forward to giving you the direction needed to achieve your goals.